Live the essence of livestock fairs

Live the essence of livestock fairs

Livestock farming encompasses all the activities related to livestock farming and trade. In many towns and cities of Catalonia, where this sector is and has historically been deeply rooted, fairs and livestock shows continue to be held , such as those that were held in the past when grazing cattle came down from the mountains to spend the winter and herders gathered together. with the animals in the village to celebrate it.

We find proposals that value this tradition and make known the equine, bovine, ovine and goat cattle of the area.

At these fairs we usually find an area for exposure to herds of horses, cows, goats and sheep, where visitors can see these animals and farmers can buy and sell livestock. Livestock contests are also usually organized on farms in the territory.

Livestock fairs are also often nourished by a program of various activities, among which stand out demonstrations of crafts related to livestock, children's workshops and stalls of agri-food products. Many of them have a great economic weight for the primary sector of the area.

Discover the traditional and most essential livestock fairs in Catalonia!

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