Live the essence of the Passions in Catalonia 2024
The beginning of Lent comes accompanied to some of the Catalan populations by a dramatic staging that has been performed since the Middle Ages throughout Europe, the Passions. These can normally be seen until after Easter.
The popular and traditional manifestations of the Passion Cycle include a multitude of forms, not strictly liturgical, that remember during the Holy Week festivities the evangelical episodes referring to the public life, passion, death and resurrection of Jesus. The current Passions derive, in their most remote origin, from the readings of the Passion that are done on Good Friday.
In the 16th and 17th centuries, the Passions were more in the form of processions with specific representations of certain scenes, a combination that is still practiced in many Catalan towns. Later, with the development of the forms of secular theater, they acquired the structure of more complex representations and, already in the 18th century, they became theatrical pieces in acts, of long duration, with stable texts. At this time they are consolidated as shows that are performed in the square or in large public or semi-public spaces, already destined for theater.
Throughout Catalonia , processions, parades of armed or manaies, mysteries or monuments, representations of different orders (spoken dances, paintings or static scenes, historical recreations...) and Passions of very diverse magnitude and perspective are celebrated: from the most traditional, still incorporated in processions; passing through those that adopt current texts, characters and perspectives; until we reach the great Passions, which stage multitudinous shows in large theaters.
When are the Passions celebrated in Catalonia in 2024?
The Passions season in Catalonia begins on March 10, and we find different performances until May 5. Most of the Passion performances are concentrated around Holy Week (from Sunday, March 24 to Sunday, March 31, 2024).
Below you will find the main Passions of Catalonia scheduled for 2024.
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