Live the excitement of the castells and the human tower groups in Catalonia 2024

Live the excitement of the castells and the human tower groups in Catalonia 2024

The castells are one of the quintessential traditions of Catalan culture, hundreds of people united to defy gravity and perched on top of each other to make buildings that have reached ten stories. The small enxanetas that crown the structure when raising the hand are the representative symbol of the castells, but the strength, balance, courage and wisdom behind this gesture have allowed this centuries-old tradition to be maintained and still set the goosebumps to his viewers.

To understand the human tower world a little more, you have to know that it is an activity that dates back to the beginning of the 19th century and has its origins linked to the festive dances of the peasantry of southern Catalonia that ended with small buildings. It is believed that by creating rivalry to build these taller constructions, what we know today as castles arise.

The buildings are counted according to the width (the number of people on each floor) and the height (the number of people on top of each other) taking into account that the pineapple (the base of the castle) and the children who climb only on the alto (acolchador and enxaneta) count as separate floors. When a group builds six-story castles, it is considered to have sufficient level to perform in a plaza and the best groups build buildings of up to nine and, at specific times, ten stories.

The Castellera Season 2024

In Catalonia, there are several human tower festivals that are considered important due to their technical level, tradition and popularity.

Castle festival of Santa Eulalia in Barcelona

It is a day that begins before the castle season, coinciding with the festival of Santa Eulalia in Barcelona, and this year it is celebrated on February 12, 2024.

Sant Jordi castle festivities

For Sant Jordi, different castle celebrations are celebrated in Catalonia, so groups from municipalities such as Tarragona, Reus, Terrassa or Vilanova and la Geltrú will put on castle performances during the day of Sant Jordi.

Terrassa Major Festival

The first Sunday after Saint Peter's Day (June 29) the Terrassa Festival is celebrated. This year on July 30, 2024. During the holidays, the Minyons of Terrassa throw down castles of maximum difficulty. The Castellers de Terrassa and a third invited group also perform.

Festival of the Saints of Mataró

The Castellera Day of the Saints of Mataró is one of the most important and recognized days that takes place in Mataró. This day takes place within the framework of the Saints' festivities, which are celebrated on the penultimate Sunday of July, in honor of the city's patron saints, Saint Juliana and Saint Semproniana. This year it is celebrated on July 21, 2024.

Sant Magí castle festival in Tarragona

The Diada Castellera de Sant Magí is a very important festival celebrated in Tarragona in honor of Sant Magí, patron saint of the city. This day takes place on August 19, 2024, during the Sant Magí festivities.

Castle festival of San Félix in Vilafranca

It is one of the most important and oldest festivals in Catalonia. It is celebrated on August 29, 2024 in Vilafranca del Penedès. The four best groups from the previous season participate, and it is known for its competitiveness and spectacularity.

Castle festival of Santa Tecla in Tarragona

It is celebrated in Tarragona on September 23, 2024, within the framework of the Santa Tecla festivities. It is a massive day with the participation of numerous human tower groups.

Castle festival of the Mercadal in Reus

The Castellera Festival of the Mercadal Festival is celebrated on the first Saturday in October, but be careful! only in odd years, therefore the next day will be on October 4, 2025, coinciding with the city's major festivals. The human tower groups meet in the Mercadal, one of the most emblematic squares of Reus, and a particularly appropriate place for human tower activity, since its dimensions and design allow the accommodation of a large number of human towers and spectators.

Castle festival of Santa Úrsula in Valls

This day is celebrated on October 27, 2024 in Valls. It is one of the oldest and most notable, and is part of the city's Main Festival. It stands out for the presence of eight castles, which are the highest and most complex.

Castle festival of San Narciso de Girona

The Festival of San Narciso is celebrated on the third or fourth Sunday in October, this year it takes place on October 27, 2024 in Girona, during the city's main festival. It is one of the most important festivals in the northern part of Catalonia, and brings together several human tower groups from the region.

Castle festival of All Saints of Vilafranca del Penedès

For All Saints, the Vilafranca del Penedès Castle Day takes place, which will take place on November 1, 2024 in the Plaza de la Villa. On this day the Castellers de Vilafranca and three more invited groups perform.

Castle festival of the Minyons of Terrassa 2024

Coinciding with the third Sunday of November, in the final stretch of the season, the Minyons of Terrassa, in mauve shirts, celebrate their holiday together with two more invited groups. This year it is celebrated on November 17, 2024.


It must be taken into account that there are many other important castellera diades in Catalonia, the castellera culture is deeply rooted in Catalan society and diades are celebrated throughout the territory.

Experience the magic and excitement of the human towers live with the human tower festivities and meetings that are held throughout Catalonia.

the castle fact


Mon Casteller- Museu Casteller de Catalunya


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