Let's go for tapas in Catalonia

Let's go for tapas in Catalonia

Tapas form, without a doubt, an indispensable part of the culinary identity of Spain and Catalonia and in fact, they are one of the most exported gastronomic elements in the world. The most renowned chefs reinterpret and prepare them in a sophisticated way and tourists and visitors do not miss the opportunity to try them and delight their palates.

The origins of the lid are not entirely clear. One of the theories with more weight is that it was King Alfonso X "El Sabio" who created them. According to it is believed, by medical prescription the monarch had to drink one or two glasses of wine a day, and to avoid the effects of alcohol, he accompanied the drink with small food tastings. The lid, in its origins, was deposited over the hole of the jug or glass, thereby "covering" the container, and hence the origin of the word.

This culinary tradition is still alive today. In Catalonia we have a wide range of fairs and festivals featuring this gastronomic proposal. Some of them, focused on specific products from the area, others combined with concerts and cultural proposals.

Sun, heat, a good atmosphere and some good tapas! These are the perfect ingredients to spend a splendid evening. Surprise yourself with new flavors, textures and explosive combinations on the palate, go out and go for tapas in Catalonia!


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