Greenways accessible to all

The greenways allow you to enjoy nature and tourism in a comfortable and attractive way and are currently adapted to access for all.
Most of these itineraries have their origin in the 19th century, when a railway network was created with the aim of connecting the different towns in the counties of Girona and the Costa Brava.
Today, these old railway infrastructures have become recognized cycling and hiking routes, and some of them guarantee accessibility for any user, facilitating their use for people in wheelchairs or also for blind or partially sighted people. In total there are 120 km of accessible routes that give us magnificent landscapes and places.
These autonomous communication routes have been developed respecting the environment and complying with the conditions of width, slopes and adequate surface quality to guarantee proper coexistence, safety and accessibility to all users, whatever their physical capacity.
Another proof of this condition is the adaptation of various sections of greenways for people with visual disabilities. In these sections a base-guide has been installed to follow the route with the stick, and vertical signage with information in braille system.
In addition, you can have adapted bicycles, including those of the handbike type, to pedal with your hands, and three models suitable for people with cerebral palsy or similar disabilities.
Enjoy the experience!