At Christmas, enjoy the Pastorets 2024

At Christmas, enjoy the Pastorets 2024

During the Christmas holidays, the tradition of representing the Pastorets is still alive in most towns and neighborhoods in Catalonia. They mobilize thousands of theater fans and also thousands of families as spectators.

The Pastorets are one of the most deeply rooted Christmas traditions in our country. They are a theatrical piece, and their natural place of representation is on a stage. The basis of the performance is a theatrical text that is inspired by the evangelical story of Christmas, often written in verse and with a well-defined dramatic structure. These texts incorporate many different artistic elements that complement their structure and present it to the viewer as a complete show. Music, dance, special effects, or large sets, are administered in particular doses giving personality to each of the performances that you will experience during the weeks of Christmas in Catalonia.

In current times, these representations are a meeting point for the various generations and the diverse backgrounds that make up our society, they are constantly transformed and fed with new contributions year after year.

Putting Pastorets on stage is a common project of a town, an entity or a group that comes together temporarily with this objective.

This Christmas, discover the Pastorets in Catalonia!

When do the Christmas Holidays fall in 2024?

The most relevant Christmas holidays in Catalonia are:

  • Sunday, December 24, 2024: Christmas Eve, known in Catalonia as Nit de Nadal, where Catalans celebrate the traditional Caga Tió.
  • Monday, December 25, 2024: Christmas Day, the central day of the holidays.
  • Tuesday, December 26, 2024: Sant Esteve, the day when we Catalans eat cannelloni.
  • Sunday, December 31, 2024: New Year's Eve, the last party of the year!
  • Monday, January 1, 2025: The New Year begins.
  • Friday, January 5, 2025: The day the kings arrive with the traditional parades of kings that are celebrated in the majority of municipalities in Catalonia.
  • Saturday, January 6, 2025: Three Kings' Day, the Christmas Holidays end.


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