All the proposals for Holy Week in Catalonia 2025

Holy Week is one of the most important celebrations in the Christian calendar and, in Catalonia, it is lived with great devotion and tradition. This week, which culminates with Easter Monday, is full of ceremonies and religious events that remember the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
During Holy Week , the passions are celebrated, dramatic theatrical performances that recall the evangelical episodes in the life of Jesus Christ, some of the most relevant are The Passion of Esparreguera or The Passion of Olesa.
When is Holy Week celebrated in Catalonia in 2025 and what are the most important days?
Holy Week is celebrated from Thursday, April 17 to Monday, April 21, 2025. Although schools and educational centers begin their vacations a few days earlier, therefore from Monday, April 14 to April 21.
Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week
The events of Holy Week in Catalonia begin on Palm Sunday with the blessing of palms and olive branches, which are taken to churches and hung in homes for protection. From there, there is a week full of religious events, processions and theatrical performances. Some important events that are celebrated during this day are the Burreta Procession in the Ciutat Vella of Barcelona.
Although in most municipalities Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday, in some municipalities in Catalonia it begins on Friday of Sorrows, which corresponds to the Friday before Palm Sunday, the celebration is dedicated to the Virgin of Sorrows.
Holy Thursday
The celebration continues with Holy Thursday, which commemorates the last supper of Jesus Christ, before being crucified. Some important events that take place in Catalonia for this day are the Dance of Death in Verges, the Procession of the Mysteries in Badalona or the Night of Silence in Mataró.
Holy Friday
One of the most significant events of Holy Week in Catalonia is the Stations of the Cross, which takes place on Good Friday. This ceremony, which represents the path of Jesus Christ to the cross, is celebrated in churches and also in public places, where the faithful follow an itinerary that simulates the path to Calvary. Cities like Tarragona celebrate the Procession of the Holy Burial on Good Friday, in which currently, more than 4,000 people are grouped into guilds, brotherhoods and congregations carrying mysteries in this procession. The steps are preceded by the armed men who break the silence with the sound of their drums. Declared "Traditional Festival of National Interest" by the Generalitat of Catalonia, in 1999 and reclassified in 2010 as "Heritage Element of National Interest".
Holy Saturday
Holy Saturday is a day of mourning, which commemorates the passion and death of Jesus Christ, and the whole world prepares for the resurrection of Jesus Christ. For the Catholic Church, it is a day when there are no sacraments.
Resurrection Sunday or Easter Sunday
Without a doubt, the most important event of all the demonstrations that take place during the days of Holy Week is Easter Sunday, a day of joy that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, three days after his death and crucifixion.
Easter monday
In Catalonia, Easter Monday, the day after Easter Sunday, puts an end to the celebration of Holy Week. It is also considered a holiday in Catalonia, and families gather to prepare and eat the "Mona de Pasqua", a traditional cake with chocolate as the main ingredient, which the godparents give to the godchildren.
Holy Week is a unique holiday that attracts thousands of people to the streets. The best way to preserve this traditional festival is to live it on the street!
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