Historical novel festival in Puig-reig


Puig-reig (a 5.5 Km)

Montclar Floreix


Montclar (a 6.5 Km)

Afternoon with "Els Saletes" at the Ramon Vinyes i Cluet Library…


Berga (a 9.8 Km)

Holy Week in Prats de Lluçanès

From 23/03/2024 to 01/04/2024

Prats de Lluçanès (a 15.5 Km)

Culturitza't Cycle in Gironella

21/01/2024 ...

Gironella (a 4.1 Km)

Popular Walk in Navàs


Navàs (a 12.8 Km)

Navàs Spring Fair

From 13/04/2024 to 14/04/2024

Navàs (a 12.8 Km)

Meeting of classic vehicles in Sant Feliu Sasserra


Sant Feliu Sasserra (a 16.7 Km)


Route through the historical memory of Navàs

Navàs (a 12.8 Km)

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Puig Ciutat, a Roman site

Turisme Lluçanès (a 18 Km)

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