Puig-reig (a 17.6 Km)
The Puig-reig Book and Historical Novel Festival is a cultural and recreational…
Santpedor (a 19.5 Km)
Santpedor celebrates Saturdays in the square! Every first Saturday of the month…
Montclar (a 13.5 Km)
Montclar celebrates its incorporation into the Vilas Floridas group with the "Montclar…
Súria (a 10.6 Km)
With Holy Week, the traditional Caramelles from Súria arrive. The forecast…
Solsona (a 16.2 Km)
On Easter Sunday and Monday Solsona is faithful to the spring songs par excellence…
Guided tour of the Font de les Escales in Santpedor. The Font de les Escales, documented…
Navàs (a 16.4 Km)
The Navàs Popular Walk has been organized for more than 30 years by the Navàs…
The Navàs Spring Fair is coming again on the weekend of April 13 and 14!…
Enjoy a Full Day in Súria with This Unique Experience! We invite you to an ideal experience for the last Saturday…
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The "Medieval Treasure Hunt" is a dynamic and exciting activity designed for families with children who want to explore…
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