Festival of San Juan in Guissona

Guissona (Plaça Capdevila)

It has been a custom for many years to enjoy the different summer festivals that are held in Guissona!

It all starts with the traditional Verbena de San Juan in Capdevila, cucañas games for the little ones, the arrival of the Llama del Canigó and the lighting of the bonfire, musical entertainment and popular dances around the fire.

The night of June 23, the festival of San Juan, is a magical night in which the summer solstice is celebrated, two days late. With a tradition that dates back to long before the implantation of Christianity, it is a cult of the sun, the lengthening of the day, for the summer solstice.

Live the festival of San Juan in Guissona!

What to do

Memorial de l'Exèrcit popular

Pujalt (a 13.3 Km)

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La Passió de Cervera

Cervera (a 13 Km)

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Castell del Remei

Lleida (a 27.2 Km)

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Castell de Ciutadilla

Ciutadilla (a 27.9 Km)

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Where to eat

Hostal de Pinós

Pinós (a 21.5 Km)

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Where to sleep

Mas Ampurdanés

La Baronia de Rialb (a 28.6 Km)

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La Torre del Codina

Tàrrega (a 19.9 Km)

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Les Corts de Biosca

Sant Mateu de Bages (a 27.1 Km)

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Hotel Balneari de Vallfogona de Riucorb

Vallfogona de Riucorb (a 24.9 Km)

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