The TV3 Marathon 2023


The Board of Trustees of the La Marató de TV3 Foundation has approved, at the proposal of the Scientific Advisory Commission, that sexual and reproductive health (SSIR) be the focus of the new edition of La Marató de TV3 and Catalunya Ràdio, which will be held on Sunday , December 17 of 2023.

It will be the first time that La Marató is dedicated to this topic, which, according to health professionals, encompasses the set of pathologies that most affect the population, in all aspects of life and throughout life.

They are diseases that have a prevalence (proportion of people affected in a specific population and time) of 3 million people in Catalonia, and an incidence (number of new cases that appear in a specific population and time) that is estimated at 210,905 new cases. every year.

These are significantly high figures that, in addition, represent a considerable health cost for the health system, standing at 12.2%. In the field of research, sexual and reproductive health research teams author 9% of Catalan scientific publications, which places them in the world average.

In the field of research, sexual and reproductive health research teams author 9% of Catalan scientific publications, which places them in the world average.

Professionals who are experts in SSIR highlight that diseases related to sexuality and reproduction are very little known, especially among youth. In this edition, pathologies and complications related to the reproductive system, reproductive medicine, and those linked to pregnancy and childbirth, among others, will be reflected.

This year's Marathon wants to pay special attention to the need to consider the gender perspective in all areas of medicine and research. Specifically, the capacity of research on sexuality and reproduction will impact such necessary areas as the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of these diseases in citizens, paying special attention to women, the most affected group, with advanced tools such as artificial intelligence or telemedicine, in all the specialties involved and through all areas of research.

In this sense, we will continue to ensure that research represents the population balance necessary to improve the hope and quality of life of all people.

Raising awareness about prevention in the field of sexual and reproductive health is essential. For this reason, La Marató will raise awareness and inform young people, especially girls, about the fact that SSIR has a profound effect throughout life. On the other hand, according to experts, many problems that affect women, due to their biological specificity, have been made invisible or have been little taken into account over the centuries. This year, La Marató wants to contribute to reversing this situation.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), sexual health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality. It requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, free from all coercion, discrimination and violence. For its part, reproductive health is defined as the ability to reproduce and the freedom to make informed, free and responsible decisions. Therefore, the SSIR explores the health of people's reproductive and sexual systems during all stages of their life, respecting the right to a healthy body.

Thanks to the exceptional support of citizens, this solidarity initiative promoted by the Catalan Audiovisual Media Corporation and the La Marató de TV3 Foundation has become a social event of the first magnitude, one of the main drivers of biomedical research in Catalonia and a firm promoter of dissemination and awareness in the field of health.


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