Terra Roia Arts Festival in Vilamur - Siarb Valley

From 20/07/2024 to 21/07/2024
Soriguera (Vilamur)

The Terra Roia Arts Festival (TRaf) returns to Vilamur ( Soriguera ) for another year!

Terra Roia is an art festival that is organized in the town of Vilamur within the surroundings of the Siarb Valley and the municipality of Soriguera with the following objectives: to promote cultural tourism and energize this rural environment where it is located, a dynamic proposal that wants to maintain a direct relationship between artists and visitors.

The artists have an ideal and crowded space where, in addition to disseminating their work, they can present future projects. It fits all kinds of artistic expression, whether professional or amateur.

This polyhedral showcase of creation includes numerous activities related to the popular and traditional culture of Pallars Sobirà.

Do not miss it!

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What to do

Museu de Gerri de la Sal

Baix Pallars (a 10.1 Km)

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Ramat de Camins

Soriguera (a 2.1 Km)

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Turisme al Pallars Sobirà

(a 3.9 Km)

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Rafting Llavorsí

Llavorsí (a 13.6 Km)

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Where to eat

Roch Hotel - Restaurant

Sort (a 9.2 Km)

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Where to sleep

Les Brases

Sort (a 4.6 Km)

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Roch Hotel - Restaurant

Sort (a 9.2 Km)

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Hotel Riberies

Llavorsí (a 13.7 Km)

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El Racó de Cal Maró / Molí del Pau

Montferrer i Castellbò (a 16 Km)

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5 €

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