Spring Trail L'Albiol 2023

In the eastern part of the Costa Daurada Mountains we find an idyllic setting for trail running: trails, streams, forests, unevenness and extraordinary views.

The Primavera Trail el Albiol is a sporting event with distances of 22k, 12k and 5k, where walkers also have their space.

Running through Albiol is synonymous with enjoying "trailrunning", visiting wonderful and magical corners where time seems to stand still. And one more year the daytime format is maintained, so you can enjoy fantastic views over the valleys and the Costa Daurada.

We encourage you to participate!

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What to do

La Mascota i el Jardí

Riudoms (a 12.1 Km)

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La Teva Ruta

Reus (a 11 Km)

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Experiencies Rurals .com

Nulles (a 13.4 Km)

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Muntanyes de la Costa Daurada

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Where to eat

Arena Tapas Restaurant

Salou (a 20 Km)

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L'Orangerie de Clos Barenys

Vila-seca (a 18.3 Km)

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Restaurant Denver Cambrils

Cambrils (a 20.7 Km)

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El Refugi

Valls (a 15.8 Km)

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Where to sleep

Hotel Centre Reus

Reus (a 11 Km)

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Càmping Prades Park

Prades (a 11.5 Km)

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El Molí Oleari

Montblanc (a 14.9 Km)

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Hotel rural - Xalet de Prades

Prades (a 10.6 Km)

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Festival of Roser de Puigcerdà

17/07/2024 - 22/07/2024

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Sant Gregori Festival

19/07/2024 - 22/07/2024

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Welcome to the farm! - Prades Chalet

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