'Ripoll bats for Nadal'

From 05/12/2023 to 09/12/2023
17/12/2023 From 22/12/2023 to 23/12/2023
From 25/12/2023 to 27/12/2023
31/12/2023 From 01/01/2024 to 03/01/2024
From 05/01/2024 to 06/01/2024

'Ripoll batega per Nadal', a motto that annexes the different activities organized by the City Council for these holidays.

During these festivities, the town of Ripoll will have various actions to boost local commerce, and more traditional cultural events for all audiences. As for the cultural events that are proposed for these dates, it is worth highlighting the Sardanes Christmas concert, the popular cagada del tío, the Pastorets, among others!

The streets of Ripoll are decorated with bright lights and Christmas decorations, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere. It is an opportunity for children and their families to enjoy the holiday season together.

Check the schedule and don't miss anything!

You may also be interested in: At Christmas, enjoy the Pastorets 2024

What to do

Terra de Comtes i Abats a Ripoll


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Museu Etnogràfic de Ripoll


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Terra de Comtes i Abats a Sant Joan de les Abadesses

Sant Joan de les Abadesses (a 8.5 Km)

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Ripollès Turisme

(a 1.5 Km)

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Where to eat

La Santa Restaurant

Ribes de Freser (a 10.3 Km)

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Restaurant Dachs

Les Llosses (a 8.4 Km)

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Hostal la Muntanya

Castellar de n'Hug (a 17.1 Km)

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Braseria Les Comes

L’Esquirol (a 22.9 Km)

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Where to sleep

Casa de colònies Mas Cabàlies, Fundesplai

Ogassa (a 10.4 Km)

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Angelats Hotel

Ribes de Freser (a 10.3 Km)

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El Serradal

Sant Joan de les Abadesses (a 4.8 Km)

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Casa de colònies Les Codines, Fundesplai

Montesquiu (a 8.9 Km)

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