Ripoll Women's Race

Ripoll celebrates a new edition of the Women's Race, and will be in solidarity with people affected by cancer!

It is a non-competitive test, an all-inclusive race that can be done running, walking, taking a stroller, in a wheelchair... and suitable for all ages and conditions. Women and men can participate, everyone is encouraged to take part in defeating cancer. The route will be mainly urban, with a length of 5 kilometers.

There is the option of registering without participating in the race, simply to collaborate with the cause.

The funds raised from this second Women's Race will go to the Oncolliga Foundation, which has promised to benefit cancer patients and their families in Ripollès with the money.

We encourage you to participate!

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What to do

Terra de Comtes i Abats a Sant Joan de les Abadesses

Sant Joan de les Abadesses (a 8.5 Km)

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Museu Etnogràfic de Ripoll


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Terra de Comtes i Abats a Ripoll


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Ripollès Turisme

(a 1.5 Km)

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Where to eat

La Santa Restaurant

Ribes de Freser (a 10.3 Km)

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Restaurant Dachs

Les Llosses (a 8.4 Km)

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Restaurant el Pont 9

Camprodon (a 18.8 Km)

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Restaurant Mític

Camprodon (a 22.7 Km)

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Where to sleep

Angelats Hotel

Ribes de Freser (a 10.3 Km)

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Casa de colònies Mas Cabàlies, Fundesplai

Ogassa (a 10.4 Km)

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El Serradal

Sant Joan de les Abadesses (a 4.8 Km)

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Casa de colònies Les Codines, Fundesplai

Montesquiu (a 8.9 Km)

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