Poboleda Vins

Poboleda Vins is back, a tasting of excellence for Holy Saturday!

The Poboleda Wineries, which organize this exhibition with the support of the Poboleda City Council and the Regulatory Council of the Priorat Qualified Designation of Origin, maintain the formula of the exhibition and tasting of wines and gastronomy of Poboleda with a popular and familiar approach, of so that audiences of different ages and profiles can participate.

The exhibition, which has been around for many years, is faithful to the model in which the producers of this town present the event as an opportunity to learn about the wines and new products produced in the wineries of this area of the DOQ Priorat and to discover the particularities and typicality of the wines of Vila, Paratge i Guarda.

We will wait for you!

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What to do

Hotel Celler Buil & Giné

Gratallops (a 6.8 Km)

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Celler Ferrer Bobet

Falset (a 7.4 Km)

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Celler Gritelles

Cornudella de Montsant (a 5.8 Km)

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Muntanyes de la Costa Daurada

(a 8.7 Km)

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Where to eat

L'Orangerie de Clos Barenys

Vila-seca (a 27 Km)

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Arena Tapas Restaurant

Salou (a 29.9 Km)

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Restaurant Denver Cambrils

Cambrils (a 26.2 Km)

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Where to sleep

Hotel Celler Buil & Giné

Gratallops (a 6.8 Km)

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Hotel rural - Xalet de Prades

Prades (a 14.4 Km)

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Càmping Prades Park

Prades (a 13.9 Km)

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Casa Rural Camins del Priorat

El Masroig (a 15.5 Km)

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Festival of Roser de Puigcerdà

17/07/2024 - 22/07/2024

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Sant Gregori Festival

19/07/2024 - 22/07/2024

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Tasting of white and rosé wines from Montsant Nord at the Gritelles…

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20 € 15 €

Sponsorship of a wine barrel with Celler Gritelles

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333 €

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