Riucorb's Vallfogona lights up for the TV3 Marató
This year, the Open Arts association ofVallfogona de Riucorb is proposing an activity before Christmas: decorating the trees and the river railing with luminous stars made from tetra brick boxes.
The activity consists of workshops where residents of all ages can create stars using reused paper from tetra brick boxes, the inside of which is silver plated. Using the origami technique, we will teach how to make these stars.
We ask you to save and clean the tetra bricks you have at home and bring them with you on the days of the workshops. Stars will emerge! Once the stars have been made, they will be placed on the trees and along the river railing.
On the same day , December 7th at 7:00 p.m., all attendees will hang the stars, turn on the Christmas lights and offer chocolate cake for a snack. There will also be a raffle for one of the 3cat marathon charity baskets.
We encourage you to participate!
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