Terrassa Half Marathon

Terrassa (Parc dels Catalans)

The Half Marathon has become a traditional event in the municipality of Terrassa!

One of the characteristics of this race, and for which it is valued, is its 100% urban route that ran along just over 21 km through several streets of the city.

Its demands, as a result of Terrassa's orographic situation, give it a special attraction for fans of the world of athletics.

More than 3000 people are preparing to participate in this event. This edition, the departure and arrival will be at the Parc dels Catalans. Time control will be carried out by Championchip's yellow chip timing system. Therefore, to qualify and qualify for prizes you must run with a chip.

We encourage you to participate!

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What to do

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Viladecavalls (a 3.1 Km)

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Rubí (a 7.3 Km)

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Where to eat

Fàbrica Moritz Barcelona

Barcelona (a 23.5 Km)

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Pirineu en Boca

Barcelona (a 23.2 Km)

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Restaurant Windsor

Barcelona (a 22 Km)

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Where to sleep

Casa de colònies Can Santoi, Fundesplai

Molins de Rei (a 14 Km)

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Alberg Viladoms de Baix, Fundesplai

Castellbell i el Vilar (a 11.9 Km)

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Hotel Checkin Montserrat

Collbató (a 17.2 Km)

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Balneari Termes Victòria

Caldes de Montbui (a 15.3 Km)

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