Guided tourLegends of Sant Hilari

Sant Hilari Sacalm (Plaça del Dr. Robert, 17403 Sant Hilari Sacalm, Girona)
Price: 2€

Guided route to the footprint of the devil.

We explain the legends of Sant Hilari and finally we discover together where the mark of the devil's footprint is hidden.

  • Day: Sunday September 10
  • Departure time: 10 am
  • Departure point: Tourist Office
  • Price per person: €2 (under 8 years free)
  • Duration of the route: 1 hour and 30 minutes approximately
  • Registration at the link or by calling the Sant Hilari Tourist Office on 972 869 686 or by email

What to do

Associació del Via Crucis Vivent

Sant Hilari Sacalm

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