Terrassa Festival New Trends

From 28/09/2023 to 01/10/2023

The TNT Festival promotes and disseminates contemporary and multidisciplinary creation and live arts with proposals for all audiences. Since 2007 it has been celebrated in Terrassa at the beginning of autumn.

The exhibition brings to Catalonia a sample of the most innovative proposals on the international scene and is especially committed to discovering the emerging talent of our creators.

TNT is a festival of new artistic languages, it is the transformation of the future into the present, the activation of new ways of inhabiting artistic expression, of relating it to our world, uncertain and accelerated, saturated and unequal, pending a global change. TNT is provocation, discomfort, experimentation, fun and also vulnerability.

TNT hosts innovative, transdisciplinary and contemporary programming, articulating, in each edition, a collective discourse. It supports artists through co-productions and residencies that accompany the research and creation processes and, at the same time, encourages them to carry out participatory activities that encourage the participation of the citizens of Terrassa.

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What to do

Xarxa de Turisme Industrial

(a 1.1 Km)

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Museu Castell de Rubí

Rubí (a 8 Km)

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Granja Aventura Park

Viladecavalls (a 4 Km)

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Fundació Xarxa Espectacles familiars


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Where to eat

Restaurant Marisquer Can Ladis

Sant Fruitós de Bages (a 23.7 Km)

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Pirineu en Boca

Barcelona (a 23.5 Km)

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Fàbrica Moritz Barcelona

Barcelona (a 23.8 Km)

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Restaurant Windsor

Barcelona (a 22.4 Km)

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Where to sleep

Alberg Viladoms de Baix, Fundesplai

Castellbell i el Vilar (a 12.1 Km)

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Casa de colònies Can Santoi, Fundesplai

Molins de Rei (a 14.7 Km)

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Balneari Termes Victòria

Caldes de Montbui (a 14.4 Km)

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Hotel Molí de la Torre

Bigues i Riells del Fai (a 20.2 Km)

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520 €

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