Verbena of San Juan in Sant Hilari Sacalm

From 23/06/2024 to 24/06/2024
Sant Hilari Sacalm

Several and varied acts make up the Verbena de San Juan in Sant Hilari Sacalm!

The Festival begins with the arrival of the Llama del Canigó in the hands of athletes in an act organized by Òmnium Cultural de la Selva Interior and the City Council.

The next day there will be the Tribute to Old Age. At 11:30 a.m. they will leave the Casal de Can Blat with the Giants and Grallers of Sant Hilari and, after mass, there will be a meal and dance in the pavilion. The Can Blat choir will sing at the mass.

After lunch , the plaque honoring the inhabitants of Sant Hilari who turn 90 this year will be handed over and the party will continue at 7 at Plaza Gravalosa with sardanas from the Principal de Banyoles.

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Associació del Via Crucis Vivent

Sant Hilari Sacalm

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