Guissona Major Festival

From 07/09/2023 to 11/09/2023

The party has arrived in capital letters, the most anticipated and participatory of Guissona, the MAJOR FESTIVAL!

The Festival is more than a simple event; It is an opportunity to connect with the traditions, with the values and with the people who are part of our daily lives. During these days, our squares become meeting points, the streets fill with life and laughter becomes the soundtrack of the town.

A Major Festival that wants to reclaim and enjoy everything that is positive about Guissona, placing emphasis on the diversity and plurality that defines it as an open, integrative and prosperous municipality.

Fully enjoy the scheduled activities, share moments with friends and family, and create memories that will last over time.

A program full of activities, aimed at the little ones and not so little ones. You can't miss it!

What to do

La Passió de Cervera

Cervera (a 13 Km)

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Memorial de l'Exèrcit popular

Pujalt (a 13.3 Km)

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Castell del Remei

Lleida (a 27.3 Km)

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Castell de Ciutadilla

Ciutadilla (a 28 Km)

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Where to eat

Hostal de Pinós

Pinós (a 21.4 Km)

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Where to sleep

Hotel Balneari de Vallfogona de Riucorb

Vallfogona de Riucorb (a 24.9 Km)

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La Torre del Codina

Tàrrega (a 19.9 Km)

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Les Corts de Biosca

Sant Mateu de Bages (a 27 Km)

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Mas Ampurdanés

La Baronia de Rialb (a 28.6 Km)

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Tortosa Jazz Show

03/07/2024 ...

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Terrassa Major Festival

28/06/2024 - 03/07/2024

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Exhibition "Quaderns de la Segarra" at the Castle of Concabella

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A Boca de Nit in Mas de Colom, Casa Borges

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3 €

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