Mountain Fair in Vic

From 10/11/2023 to 12/11/2023
Vic (Recinte Firal El Sucre)

The Mountain Fair will be installed again in Vic at the El Sucre Fairgrounds!

Once again, people who love nature, skiing, mountain sports and mountain culture have an appointment the first weekend in November.

One of the great attractions of the fair is the Second-hand Market, with second-hand and out-of-season clothing and sports equipment from individuals and sports stores.

Another important space is the large exhibition area in the commercial pavilion with companies related to sports, sports equipment, tourism, books and mountain guides. In this space , visitors can equip themselves for outdoor sports activities planned for autumn and winter.

In addition, visitors can enjoy an extensive and interesting program of events and activities: talks, round tables, book presentations, storytelling and much more!

We will wait for you!

What to do

Federació Pessebres Vivents de Catalunya

Tona (a 8.6 Km)

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Circuit d'Osona Karting

Vic (a 3.8 Km)

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MEV, Museu d'Art Medieval


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Mas Casablanca

Taradell (a 6.3 Km)

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Where to eat

Restaurant Dachs

Les Llosses (a 27.3 Km)

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La Calma, el Bellver

Tagamanent (a 19.3 Km)

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Braseria Les Comes

L’Esquirol (a 17.2 Km)

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Where to sleep

Càmping El Pont de Barcelona

Vilanova de Sau (a 12.9 Km)

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Casa de colònies El Company, Fundesplai

Vilanova de Sau (a 11.9 Km)

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Hotel Can Pamplona


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Càmping La Vall

Taradell (a 8.3 Km)

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Festival of Roser de Puigcerdà

17/07/2024 - 22/07/2024

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Sant Gregori Festival

19/07/2024 - 22/07/2024

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Lower Núria Ravine - Queralbs - Vall de Núria

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50 €

Via ferrata from Sant Feliu de Guíxols - Cala Molí

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40 €

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