Medicinal Herbs Fair in Vilanova de Sau

Vilanova de Sau celebrates a new edition of the Medicinal Herbs Fair!

The fair has its origins in 1992 and revolves around medicinal herbs, natural treatments and traditional and artisan products.

Throughout these years , various dissemination and discovery activities have been developed with talks, exhibitions and conferences that combine with a program of recreational, gastronomic and children's activities.

The fair confirms the consolidation of a project to recover commercial activity around medicinal plants and their applications in health, cosmetics, gastronomy or gardening; consolidation because in recent years we are witnessing a change in trends and tastes, and why not say the fashion, of consuming aromatic and medicinal plants for the simple fact of enjoying a pleasant sensation, and not only to treat this or that problem, although it is in this field where more discoveries are currently being made and more applications are being found (phytotherapy, aromatherapy, drug development, treatment of complex diseases...).

Parking will be free.

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What to do

Circuit d'Osona Karting

Vic (a 8.7 Km)

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Guies de muntanya 8treks

Susqueda (a 7.1 Km)

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Parc d’Aventura Anigami

L’Esquirol (a 11 Km)

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MEV, Museu d'Art Medieval

Vic (a 11 Km)

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Where to eat

Braseria Les Comes

L’Esquirol (a 11 Km)

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Restaurant La Moixina

Olot (a 26 Km)

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La Calma, el Bellver

Tagamanent (a 23.5 Km)

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Where to sleep

Casa de colònies El Company, Fundesplai

Vilanova de Sau

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Casa de colònies Can Mateu, Fundesplai

Vilanova de Sau (a 2 Km)

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Casa de colònies La Cinglera, Fundesplai

Vilanova de Sau (a 2 Km)

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Casa de colònies Els Porxos, Fundesplai

Vilanova de Sau (a 2 Km)

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