Conference "Women and cancer in the rural world" in Vilamur, Soriguera

Vilamur (Soriguera) hosts the Conference "Women and cancer in the rural world"!

The intention to achieve very specific objectives: celebrate the 8M day in a different way, but just as demanding; deal, in a close way, with an issue as delicate as cancer, which affects a fairly high percentage of women, and demand something as important as not having to travel 150km to Lleida (in the best of cases) to receive the treatment. adequate sanitary.

The event, open to everyone, will feature the participation of cancer patients, volunteers, family members and professionals who will provide their real testimony of how this situation is experienced from different areas.

This initiative comes from the Soriguera City Council, which, working together with the Lleida Cancer Association and thanks to the support of the Pallars Sobirà Cancer Volunteers, decided that touching on such a delicate and intense topic would be very interesting, first to support everyone. the world that has seen this disease happen, secondly to thank the selfless work of the volunteers to help in this support and thirdly to point out, in a way that is both vindictive and pedagogical, that in the rural world, any type of disease, cancer included, it represents an added nonsense to have to travel so far to receive adequate treatment. A whole host of circumstances that have led us to consider that cancer, and more so in the rural world, is another type of violence.

The collaboration of the Department of Equality and Feminism of the Generalitat of Catalonia, through its subsidy, has also been key to being able to close the theme of this first day with an exhibition that will be presented on October 15 to celebrate International Women's Day. Woman in the rural world.

Do not miss it!

What to do

Turisme al Pallars Sobirà

(a 3.9 Km)

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Rafting Llavorsí

Llavorsí (a 13.4 Km)

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Ramat de Camins

Soriguera (a 2.3 Km)

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Espai museístic del Ferro Casa Sintet

Alins (Vall Ferrera) (a 22.5 Km)

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Where to eat

Roch Hotel - Restaurant

Sort (a 9.2 Km)

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Where to sleep

Roch Hotel - Restaurant

Sort (a 9.2 Km)

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Les Brases

Sort (a 4.6 Km)

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Hotel Riberies

Llavorsí (a 13.5 Km)

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Can Fasersia

La Pobla de Segur (a 21.9 Km)

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