Dance Exhibition in Balaguer

Balaguer (Monestir de Santa Maria de les Franqueses)

The Xemeneia Dance Space Movement and Creation has organized for this Saturday, March 23, starting at 7 p.m., the 10th 'Ciutat de Balaguer' Dance Exhibition at the Monastery of Santa Maria de les Franqueses. In this event , the show "Les Fades de Montmur: an adaptation of the story by Josep Carner Ribalta" will be presented, which will be directed by Albert Bonet, and with choreographies created by the center's teaching team.

The show will be performed by a hundred dancers of all ages, who through classical, contemporary dance, jazz, lindy hop or any other of the disciplines taught at the dance school, will interpret the story of Josep Carner-Ribalta, published in 1973.

This story narrates the adventures of eight fairies who live on Mormur Hill, in the dry land of Balaguer, who want to make a baby become a totally happy person. A story that is already part of the Balaguerí collective imagination.

Since 2005, La Xemeneia. Dance Space Movement and Creation works with the objective that its students acquire quality dance training, through tools and resources that can help them train as supportive people, with concern for effort and interest in learning in a social, artistic and cultural context. La Xemeneia proposes teaching dance from the perspective of emotional, social and cognitive education, and based on appropriate methodologies, proposed and taught by qualified teachers.

Do not miss it!

What to do

El Tren dels Llacs

(a 2.1 Km)

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Sala d'arts escèniques La Mercantil

Balaguer (a 4.2 Km)

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Cooperativa Arbequina

Arbeca (a 25.9 Km)

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Castell del Remei

Lleida (a 15.5 Km)

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Where to eat

El Dien Restaurant

Vallfogona de Balaguer (a 1.8 Km)

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Hotel-Restaurant Port d'Àger

Àger (a 25.7 Km)

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Where to sleep

Monestir de les Avellanes

Os de Balaguer (a 13.5 Km)

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Lo Palauet de la Muralla

Balaguer (a 3.9 Km)

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Casa de colònies Vagons d’Àger, Fundesplai

Àger (a 28.3 Km)

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Hotel-Restaurant Port d'Àger

Àger (a 25.7 Km)

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