Conference "1714. La gran repressió. Patriotes contra Mossos", Masllorenç

Masllorenç (Biblioteca Municipal de Masllorenç)

We invite you to the conference "1714. The great repression. Patriotes against Mossos", a deeply enriching session by Dr. Valentí Gual Vilà, professor at the University of Barcelona.

This will be an exceptional opportunity to delve deeper into a crucial period in our history and to understand the events that shaped Catalan identity as we know it today.

The conference will be at 8 p.m., at the Masllorenç Municipal Library. It is a perfect opportunity to enrich your historical knowledge and to share concerns with other people interested in the subject.

The event is organized by the Masllorenç Municipal Library with the collaboration of the Masllorenç City Council and the Tarragona Provincial Council.

Do not miss it!

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