Carnival in Terrassa

08/02/2024 From 10/02/2024 to 14/02/2024

Terrassa starts with the Carnival, the program is full of events for all ages!

The Rúa de Carnaval, is the craziest, most transgressive and vindictive day of the year, it begins with the presentation of His Majesty King of the Carnival of the year and the beginning of the Rúa, which will take place through the streets of the city center.

There will be no shortage of the masked ball at the Terrassa Fairgrounds, where during the middle part of the event, the prizes will be awarded to the winners of the troupe competition in our city.

Sunday is the big day for the little ones. Schools, Kindergartens and Leisure Centers participate in the children's parade with their costumes. The children's parade ends with an entertainment show.

The vigil takes place during the afternoons of Monday and Tuesday in the Atrium of the Terrassa City Hall, prior to his solemn burial. Widows and mourners will guard the remains of the carnival king and entertain all those attending the event.

Widows from all over the city, dressed in their best clothes, will attend the last dance dedicated to the carnival. During the middle part of this, the award will be given to the best widow of the year.

Ash Wednesday is one of the most unique and spectacular events of the Terrassa carnival... where more than twenty entities from the city participate. Everything will begin with the mortuary route, where the remains of the carnival will be carried in a solemn parade to the Vallparadís park. There the burial ceremony of King Carnestoltes and his burning will take place. The last act of the carnival is a free popular sardine.

Do not miss it!

You may also be interested in: Enjoy the Carnival of all of Catalonia

What to do

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Where to eat

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Where to sleep

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Balneari Termes Victòria

Caldes de Montbui (a 14.4 Km)

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