Carnival in Guissona

One more year, the debauchery and Carnival festivities come to Guissona!

The streets of Guissona are filled with costumes, with a day that will begin with a children's costume parade, an entertainment group will accompany the little ones at home and if you are hungry you can enjoy the giant potato omelette.

The party will resume in the afternoon, where the star activity of the afternoon is the parade parade that will run through the streets of Guissona. You can also enjoy dinner and the Carnival Party night with music.

Prepare the costume, the desire to eat, dance and laugh and come to Guissona to experience a crazy carnival.

Do not miss it!

You may also be interested in: Enjoy the Carnival of all of Catalonia

What to do

La Passió de Cervera

Cervera (a 13 Km)

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Memorial de l'Exèrcit popular

Pujalt (a 13.3 Km)

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Castell de Ciutadilla

Ciutadilla (a 28 Km)

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Mas de Colom, Casa Borges

Tàrrega (a 19 Km)

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Where to eat

Hostal de Pinós

Pinós (a 21.4 Km)

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Where to sleep

La Torre del Codina

Tàrrega (a 19.9 Km)

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Les Corts de Biosca

Sant Mateu de Bages (a 27 Km)

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Mas Ampurdanés

La Baronia de Rialb (a 28.6 Km)

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Hotel Balneari de Vallfogona de Riucorb

Vallfogona de Riucorb (a 24.9 Km)

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Festival of Roser de Puigcerdà

17/07/2024 - 22/07/2024

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Sant Gregori Festival

19/07/2024 - 22/07/2024

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Exhibition "Quaderns de la Segarra" at the Castle of Concabella

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Mornings with flavor at Mas de Colom

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