The Seven Balconies of Montserrat

Turisme Baix Llobregat. Abrera, Begues, Castelldefels, Castellví de Rosanes, Cervelló,…

The Seven Balconies of Montserrat are seven natural and panoramic viewpoints of the magical mountain that contemplate it from Abrera, Castellví de Rosanes, Collbató, Esparreguera, Martorell, Olesa de Montserrat and Sant Esteve Sesrovires.

These viewpoints are the perfect proposal to enjoy nature and the activities that this northern area of Baix Llobregat offers, such as hiking, cycling or family tourism. Likewise, they allow you to enjoy gastronomy with native products, visits to wineries and cellars, a heritage that shows the past and history of the territory, such as the Colonia Sedó in Esparreguera or the Diable bridge in Martorell, and unique events, such as performances of the Passions during the spring.

Discover all the proposals on the website!


Gastronomic Collective Sabors de l'Horta del Baix Llobregat

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Museums of all kinds and for everyone in Baix Llobregat

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Water activities in Baix Llobregat

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La Primavera del Cava returns in May with 16 activities among…

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Craft Beer Fair in Ullastrell


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Va de Libros Fair in Sabadell


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