Fish dinners at the Norai restaurant at the Barcelona Maritime Museum

Barcelona is a city with a great culinary tradition. Many restaurants have become legendary and have given prestige to the city, such as Can Ros, Casa Leopoldo, Turia or the now-defunct Barceloneta beach bars.

The new series of dinners at the Norai Restaurant of the Maritime Museum aims to rediscover the history of these establishments and recover some of the most emblematic dishes, many with a seafaring essence, that have endured in our taste memory.

o May 30: Can Ros (Marta Cid and Albertt Enrich)

o June 20: El Turia Núria Paricio) / Suquet del Almirante (Can Ros)

o July 25: Casa Leopoldo

The wine for the three dinners will be supplied by the Torres wineries.

Reservations at the Norai Restaurant - Telephone 666 91 99 98.

Do not miss it!

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