100 years of planetariums in the world, 30 years of planetarium at the MMB
2025 is a special year for the world of planetariums. On the one hand, because the planetarium will celebrate its 100th anniversary and, on the other hand, because it will be 30 years since the Barcelona Maritime Museum has hosted its own planetarium with the help of Aula del Cosmos, where, year after year, Albert Pla's team has been answering the various questions that the public has been asking.
Taking advantage of this celebration and all the knowledge generated through the contributions - questions and comments - that have been generated over these 30 years by users who have visited the planetarium, we propose a series of 12 conferences, designed for all audiences, with the purpose of taking a tour of the evolution of knowledge of the sky and the cosmos.
Because before reaching the Cosmos we had to explore the seas, the oceans and the mainland.
How has marine exploration influenced our understanding of the world? What parallels exist between ocean navigation and exploration of the cosmos? How have we used the knowledge we gain from observing the sky to calculate and measure our world, or to control the weather?
Every month, with the help of Albert Pla, director of Aula del Cosmos and Immersive Adventure, we will delve into a different topic, from the knowledge of our everyday sky, to the first marine explorers, to worldviews or fundamental astronomy up to the latest space missions.
With the exception of the opening conference, which will be given by Rafael Clemente Soler and will take place in the auditorium, all the others will be held on the first Thursday of the month in the Museum's planetarium by Albert Pla, director of the MMB planetarium.
- January 24 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. - Opening lecture: From Earth to space, by Rafael Clemente Soler, industrial engineer, expert in space issues and scientific communicator.
- February 6th from 6 to 7:30 pm - Discovering the Sky: A heritage of all cultures.
- March 6 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. - Cosmovisions: Philosophy to tell the skies of history.
- April 3, 6-7:30 p.m. - Explorer: From survival to prestige. The discovery of the Earth.
- May 8 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. - Space Exploration: From Myth to Reality and Back to Myth.
- June 5 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. - Exobiology: Searching for signs of life beyond Earth.
- July 3 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. - The Oceans, the other universe.
Don't miss it!
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