Museu de les Mines de Cercs Cercs

Plaça Sant Romà, s/n (Sant Corneli) Cercs

The Cercs Mine Museum, dedicated monographically to coal, is a museum of technique and history and, at the same time, wants to be an interpretation center to explain and publicize the multiple and close relationships between this fossil fuel and the Geological, landscape, economic and human environment of Alt Berguedà. Today, mining activity in the Berguedà region has disappeared, which is why the museum defines itself as an interpretation center that relates technique and history.

Permanent exhibition: the San Conrneli mining colony

The permanent exhibition is divided into two spaces: coal, its exploitation, the importance of mining infrastructures, transportation and the classification process prior to its use, as well as domestic and industrial fuel as the primary source for obtaining electricity. The daily life at the foot of the mine that has as its common thread the mining colony of Sant Corneli and its people starting from the party, the recess, the women's work, the school, the dispensary, the businessman and the company, workers and their social and labor demands. Two audiovisuals of the most emblematic claims of the mining collective have recently been incorporated into this area: the events that took place in Fígols in 1932 and La Cerrada in 1977.

Finally, the mining house is visited . The visit is completed with the projection of an audiovisual on the Alt Berguedà mining basin and the guided visit to the interior of the mine where working conditions over time are analyzed.

The visit to the museum lasts 1:30 minutes. To carry out this visit, they will be given a turn both for the route in the permanent exhibition and for the entrance into the mine, which will always have the support of a monitor.


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