Món Sant Benet Sant Fruitós de Bages

Camí de Sant Benet de Bages s/n Sant Fruitós de Bages
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Món Sant Benet is a highly unique cultural, tourist and leisure project. A unique complex, where you will find a medieval monastery a few meters from an innovative international center for cooking research. And all in an incomparable natural environment.

Innovative guided tours of the monastery, a varied and high-quality gastronomic offer, visits and activities at the Alicia Foundation (Food and Science)... Món Sant Benet fuses medieval art, nature and gastronomy to create a proposal for leisure and attractive culture designed for all audiences.

Guided visit

We invite you to immerse yourself in the life of a medieval monastery where the voices, noises and images of the past emerge between the ancient walls, making this visit a unique experience.

A tour of the most emblematic spaces of the monastery (the church, the cloister, the cellar and the cells of the Montserrat gallery) that will allow us to put ourselves in the shoes of the inhabitants of the monastery and learn first-hand how they lived and what their day by day through a powerful museographic montage.

Activities for schools and institutes

Món Sant Benet is a unique cultural complex in Catalonia, which combines an intense experience in history, with the monastery of Sant Benet de Bages as a starting point, with one of the most advanced proposals in the field of food: the Alicia Foundation, that promotes good eating habits.

We offer you workshops and guided tours adapted to each educational level, where you can work on Modernism, Medieval times or healthy habits.


Plaza Saturdays in Santpedor

05/04/2025 ...

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