Route of the Fountains and Verlets in Sant Joan les Fonts (accessible)
Sant Joan les Fonts (a 16.3 Km)
Route of the Fountains and Verlets by the volcano of the Caña
Sant Joan les Fonts (a 16.3 Km)
Francesc de Verntallat, the path of the Remensas
Besalú, Les Planes d'Hostoles, Olot, Sant Aniol de Finestres ... (a 17.6 Km)
Route of the Carrilet from Olot to Girona
La Vall d'en Bas, Les Planes d'Hostoles, Les Preses, Olot ... (a 17.6 Km)
Volcanoes and other landscapes in La Garrotxa
Besalú, Castellfollit de la Roca, La Vall d'en Bas, Olot ... (a 17.6 Km)
Route of Carrilet I of Olot in Girona
Amer, Anglès, Bescanó, La Cellera de Ter ... (a 17.6 Km)
The volcanoes' kitchen
Besalú, La Vall d'en Bas, Olot, Sant Feliu de Pallerols ... (a 17.6 Km)
Route between the old parishes of Gombrèn, Campdevànol and…
Campdevànol, Gombrèn, Les Llosses (a 19.2 Km)
Route of trades in Electric Car through Osona and Ripollès
Les Masies de Voltregà, Manlleu, Ripoll, Torelló ... (a 19.3 Km)
Paths of the Bishop and Abbot Oliba
Artés, Casserres, Folgueroles, L'Estany ... (a 22.5 Km)
Route through the stone villages of Girona
Besalú, Girona, Madremanya, Santa Pau ... (a 25.1 Km)
Circular route in the Sanctuary of Bellmunt from Sant Pere de…
Sant Pere de Torelló (a 27 Km)