Discover Pineda de Mar!

Discover Pineda de Mar through a virtual tourist gymkhana for the whole family!

An ancient treasure of the Pirate Dragut is hidden in Pineda de Mar! The Young Pirate Dragut, a fearless adventurer, a direct descendant of this corsair, offers to guide you on this exciting quest. Together, you will travel through historical places, unraveling hidden mysteries.

Are you ready to embark on this incredible adventure in search of lost treasure?


Tourist Gymkhana: The hidden spirit

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Cultural and free gymkanas in Barcelona

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"La Vendimia del Cava" is back with activities for…

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Aplec de Sant Ramon in Sant Boi de Llobregat


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Guided tour of the Crypt and Colonia Güell

01/09/2024 ...

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