The defending army Austrian faction that fought during the War of Succession was formed by different regiments. There were some who took orders from the coronelas…
Barcelona is presented to the traveler as a Mediterranean, multicultural and cosmopolitan city with an impressive historical and cultural heritage. Not in vain,…
The defense of the city of Barcelona during the Bourbon's 1714 was not only carried out by the army and the military, but the people of the city that had other…
Montgat is the southernmost town in the Maresme region, between Badalona and El Masnou, 10 km away from the city center of Barcelona. It is a villa proud of its…
Knowing which is the papermaking process or as this has evolved over time are some of the intricacies that can be removed to make the route that we propose this…
Castellar de n'Hug, El Prat de Llobregat
(a 27.2 Km)
Long Distance Path (GR-270) that allows you to go from the source of the Llobregat river, in Castellar de n'Hug, to the mouth, in El Prat de Llobregat, passing…
This itinerary is part of an ambitious and stimulating project that aims to rehabilitate and adapt highly relevant elements of Masnou's local heritage, such as…
Spring is the season of rebirth that will last until June, which is when it gives way to summer. At this time of year the temperatures begin to rise progressively,…
The walk will take us to know the area of San Mateo, toponym that share the hermitage, the source and the hill, the highest point of the crest, that reaches 499…
We will visit the surroundings of the Tagamanent hill, an elevated space, with a mosaic of grass meadows and holm oaks. In other times, a space with important crops…
Dominating the Congost, the Tagamanent is a small hill that stands out from the ridge that descends from the Pla de la Calma. Although with a track we can practically…
With more than 100,000 visitors in previous editions, 'A Winter's Night' continues to surprise the public with Fermina, its main character, who lived in the house and dedicated herself to caring for the…
A new exhibition at MUHBA Vil·la Joana reveals the secrets of Valldaura, from a medieval hunting palace to a research centre. The exhibition will remain in the Collserola building until February…
Mollet del Vallès celebrates its main winter festival around the day of Sant Vicenç, January 22, patron saint of the municipality. In the programming, traditional culture activities such…
'Arts and Stage' is the cultural program that includes all the cultural activities of Mollet del Vallès! A program full of performing arts, plastic arts, musical arts and visual arts. With information…