Free visit to the Roman quarry of Mèdol

During ancient times, stone was one of the key materials used in construction. Each city had its own local quarries, although the importation of external materials via shipping routes was common. One of the most exported building materials was marble.

The main quarries in Tarragona were mainly specialized in the extraction of limestone, abundant in the surroundings of the city. Currently, about ten quarries are known, but the most impressive in terms of size and state of conservation is that of Mèdol.

The Mèdol is a large foia over 200 meters long and between 10 and 40 meters wide, produced by the constant extraction of stone in Roman times. In the center of the quarry stands a 16-meter-high stone needle that marks the original level of the rock before mining began. It is estimated that approximately 50,000 m3 of stone were extracted from this quarry.

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