Centre d'interpretació de l'Església de Cal Pons Puig-reig

Carrer de Xalet (Cal Pons) Puig-reig
Contact acalpons@gmail.com
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The Interpretation Center of the Colonia Pons Church, through three museum spaces, reveals the role played by the Church in consolidating the industrial colony system in Catalonia, both from the point of view of workers and the owners of the colonies.

The Center is formed by modern systems of interpretation and the most advanced audio-visual techniques, that manage to transfer the visitor to a suggestive and experiential environment.

The musealization project is centered on three spaces of the religious building, the chapel of Santa Lucía, the heart and the crypt, and it integrates and coexists respectfully with these. These facilities are fully compatible with the main function that still has the building: the religious, with a schedule of masses and liturgical acts that the interpretation center respects at all times.


agreed hours

Guided visits

  • The visits have a duration of 1h and 15m approximately
  • General admission: € 20
  • Group ticket (minimum 4 people): € 5

How to get

  • From the C-16 road, exit 79 Puig-reig


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