Centre d'interpretació de l'aviació republicana i guerra aèria Santa Margarida i els Monjos

Camí del Serral, s/n Parc de la Memòria Santa Margarida i els Monjos
Contact ciarga@ciarga.cat

The CIARGA (Interpretation Center for Republican Aviation and the Air War) is a unique and reference museum equipment related to aviation and civil war that is located in Santa Margarida i els Monjos, in the Serral space within the Republican airfield of the Monks and that was part of the Vesper de la Gloriosa. The CIARGA wants to become the reference center of aviation and civil war in Catalonia.

The project of the Interpretation Center of the Republican Aviation and the Air War was prepared by DIDPATRI of the University of Barcelona, with the collaboration of the Penedès Territorial Research Station - Institute of Penedesencs Studies, the City Council of Santa Margarida i els Monjos, and of the Association of Aviators of the Republic. And for its development it has the support of the General Direction of the Democratic Memory of the Department of Interior, Institutional Relations and Participation of the Generalitat of Catalonia.

The CIARGA is the first reference dedicated to explain the history of republican aviation in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), showing the development of aviation during the war; the important foreign intervention on both sides; the aerial war in the front and the rearguard, that is to say, those events that are proper and significant in the context of the Civil War and aviation in Catalonia in the constructive and operational context of the military aerodromes.

Likewise, it shows the local contents around the existence of the airfield of the Monks, used by the republican squadrons in the context of the Vesper de la Gloriosa aerodrome network, integrated by the Pacs, Sabanell and Santa flying areas. Oliva: how a Republican airfield was built, what airplanes were emplaced, assembly and repair shops, aviators, mechanics, armourers and other personnel that was part of the squad's train.

All this is shown thanks to the creation of a didactic and comprehensive museography, which combines scenographies and original pieces with powerful multimedia resources. Thus, the project included the creation of a replica of one of the most representative republican airplanes of the entire war, protagonist in 1938 and 1939 of the air actions in the Ebro from the Pedestrian camps: the Polikarpov I-15 Xato and also the creation of an important audiovisual, among other resources.

The CIARGA is complemented by the itineraries in the aviation heritage spaces during the civil war in the Penedès: aerodromes, military and civilian shelters, workshops and other related constructions. As well as the Center for research and documentation on aviation and civil war located in the Library of Monks. In the context of its creation, it also has an important educational program with teaching materials for schools.



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