Route along the PR C-93 Trail of Santa Eugènia de Berga
Santa Eugènia de Berga (a 22.3 Km)
Condal Pyrenees: a tour of the medieval Catalan identity
Berga, Besalú, Cardona, Castell de Mur ... (a 22.8 Km)
Entering the valley of Sau - Collsacabra
Agramunt, Folgueroles, Rupit i Pruit, Tavertet (a 24.3 Km)
Route between the old parishes of Gombrèn, Campdevànol and…
Campdevànol, Gombrèn, Les Llosses (a 24.4 Km)
Grand Tour de Catalunya - Section 1. Vineyards with taste in…
Aiguamúrcia, Barcelona, Cabra del Camp, Cardona ... (a 24.5 Km)