Cal Pau Xic Subirats

Plaça Subirats, 11 (Sant pau d'Ordal) Subirats

A restaurant lifetime. Catalan cuisine, home like before. Our goal is to give the customer service. Good comes when you have to hold a party or reunion with family or friends. We do not have many pretensions.

Typical traditional dishes: macaroni, guttering, beans, snails, salads, flat, rice broth, onions and artichokes in season etc.

Also, things meat: lamb, rabbit, entrecote, chicken, sausage, etc.

Stews life: veal with mushrooms, duck casserole, trotters, roast chicken, etc.

Fresh fish also played, but always on request.

Penedes wines and champagnes and other DO

You know. When you want to Cal Xic Sant Pau Pau d'Ordal.


Gaudí cycle in Gelida

14/03/2025 ...

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Guided walk in Blooming Time in the land of the Ordal Peach


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