Musical season at CaixaForum
Concerts with outstanding performers and attractive proposals to enjoy all kinds of music: classical, jazz, chamber, vocal, swing, world music, gospel…
16/03 - Singer Pur.
The set combines Sting's compositions with thematically related but stylistically diverse works, and encompasses a broad spectrum of vocal music. The versatility and poetic richness of Sting's work evoke multiple associations with other pieces, thus creating the perfect setting for a comprehensive tribute to one of the great musicians of our time.
04/27 - Marie Carewe. Kabarett Berlin.
Mary Carewe and Harry the Piano delve into the world of cabaret and political theatre in Berlin between 1900 and 1933. The texts often challenged traditional attitudes in society or commented on the social injustices that would herald the rise of Nazism and Hitler's chancellery in 1933: Spoliansky and Schiffer's “Mary Carewe and Harry the Piano”; Hollander's feminist anthem “Chuck Out the Men”; Marlene Dietrich's international hit “Falling in Love Again – Ich bin von Kopf bis Fuß auf Liebe eingestellt”; and Weill and Brecht's “Mackie Messer” and “Surabaya Johnny”.
Don't miss it!
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