"All my work is conceived in Mont-roig." The appointment is neither more nor less than Joan Miró, universal Catalan, and the town to which it refers, Mont-roig…
Do you want to know Figuerola del Camp through a literary route? You can do it through a self-guided family itinerary through the urban nucleus of Figuerola del…
Font-rubí, Pacs del Penedès, Santa Margarida i els Monjos, Santa Oliva
(a 29.4 Km)
The Penedès became, during the Civil War, in the center of operations of republican aviation, Gloriosa, as settled in this territory four airfields when…
The calçotada is one of the most beloved gastronomic traditions in Catalonia. Beyond being a simple meal, it represents a moment of encounter, celebration and connection with the land and its products.…
Tastum is back in Cambrils! Tastum Cambrils is a gastronomic route held every Thursday in Cambrils, offering lovers of good food the opportunity to sample a wide variety of dishes in several local restaurants.…
The concert season at the Josep Carreras Auditorium starts off strongly with a complete and varied program in Vila-seca. The auditorium has the necessary technical equipment to be able to carry out its…